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Broken Hearts

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What if your heart can not be broken? What if your heart is an immutable force of love that has no judgment, only acceptance?

If this is true, something else must be going on in those times when we feel ‘heartbroken.’

If love is unconditional acceptance, doesn’t it make sense that your heart accepts all? The part of us that does not accept is the part of us that judges, since it is only in judgment we consider something unacceptable.

The part of us that feels distraught in those times we describe as ‘heartbroken’ is the part of us that had dreams and expectations that have not or will not be met, the part of us that has dreamed and imagined our future, and feels pain at the realisation that what we imagined may not be how it turns out.

It’s the part of us that has created an image of ourself and how our life would be, and then feels we failed in our negotiation of what the universe was to deliver to us. It is our self-image that is ‘heartbroken.’

In those times when we feel broken we don’t need to be fixed. We just need to allow ourselves to feel love again, to get back in touch with who we really are.

In those times of ‘heartbreak’ it is actually our heart that can lift us and carry us out of our pain. It is through acceptance, through love, that we can feel healed from pain and begin to dream again.