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The Law of Recognition

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A friend of mine once told me “You’re standing right next to everything you want yet looking the other way.”

Whilst I think he meant I was physically closer to what I wanted, I also think there is a much deeper truth here.

When we strip away all complexities and rationale, the ONLY reason we ever do anything is to feel better. Yet, we need do nothing to feel better since peace, happiness and wellbeing are always available to us within ourselves. We are born with an infinite capacity for peace, an infinite capacity for happiness, an infinite capacity for wellbeing, and an infinite capacity to love.

Alas we are also born with an infinite capacity to think, and it is only from thought that we allow ourselves to be taken away from our innate wellbeing. It is only ever thinking that has us distracted and forgetting we are love.

Perhaps the kindest aspect of thought is that it is transient, always changing, particularly when we leave it alone and allow it to flow without resistance. The protester marching through the street with his banner displaying how unfair and incorrect the world is, will walk right on by provided you don’t antagonise him, shout back at him and attempt to negotiate with his point of view.

If you ignore the protestor, if you ignore the thought, it will ignore you.

In those moments when we are giving our thoughts our attention, be it attempting to attract whatever we think will help us feel better, replaying a past event, attempting to predict the future, or protesting at our perceived reality of the present, we simply cannot see that which we already have within us - peace, happiness, love, joy and wellbeing.

Once we recognise and remember that we ALREADY have these, we already ARE love, we are able to ‘attract that which we already are.’ Using the law of recognition, we can attract more of what we want in our life from a place of peace, love and happiness.

And I don’t know about you, but I feel better already, just thinking about that