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“What’s it like to be you when you’re not trying to be somebody?”

One of my favourite questions.
And that ‘somebody’ is often the image we have created of ourselves; a belief we need to behave in a certain way in certain circumstances.

Yet my experience of being a ‘solopreneur’ is that people connect deeply to the humanness we so often try to hide.

What’s it like to be you when you’re not even trying to comply with who you think you should be?

When I allow all that wants to be expressed through me, in any moment, be it child-like excitement, sadness or any other aspect of my humanness, people connect deeply at a genuinely human level. We’ll often come together, free from the illusion of separation.

When I stop listening to my self-image, this kind of connection is effortless, because I am not trying to be anyone. There is no ‘trying.’

Only when I filter myself does it feel like hard work. My lack of motivation in living this way makes complete sense; it’s exhausting trying to be something I am not. And I am often fearful of being rejected because I, myself, am rejecting me by pretending to not be me.

Screw all that! I want to live unfiltered.

Each of us has a unique beauty that is delivered through us.

We don’t need to filter it.

We don’t need to filter who we are with who with think we should be.

We don’t need to filter God.

Live #NoFilter