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Your Bold Ego

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Being bold, just like having confidence, is a red herring! There’s a plethora of stories that proliferate the illusion that these are necessary attributes for success, and many of these stories are extremely compelling. Almost every day I see something from a fellow coach or someone in the personal development profession suggesting ways we should and could become more bold, more courageous, more confident.

But you don’t need to become more of anything! I suggest the opposite is true, it would serve all of us to become less. Become less concerned with the voice of our own self image. Become less of a separate being fearful of some egotistic armageddon in a nightmare that has us rejected and disappear into dust. Yes, we’re all going to be dust someday, but what if in the meantime we focused on being of service from the heart, without allowing interference of BS stories from the ego?

Only the ego believes it needs to be bold or confident, and if allowed this becomes a never ending quest for yet more. More moreness! More boldness, more confidence, more some-other-made-up-attribute whilst the ego continues to judge and never see that you are already all you need to be.

All these stories around being bold miss a fundamental truth. Despite our basic, egotistic fear, (‘Am I loveable?’ - A Course In Miracles,) we ARE love and we ARE loved. This is a truth any of us can feel when we set aside the ego, ignore the self image and choose to listen to our own heart.

All those things for which we’ve believed we need to be bold are just a story told by our self-image, because it’s only really our image of ourself that can suffer.

You don’t need to be bold. You just need to be willing to listen to your heart, and be willing to be you. Love is never conditional, you are loved as you already are.