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015 Jason Goldberg

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Jason really needs no introduction. If you like to be entertained, like to laugh, and have any kind of interest in the coaching profession, you need read no more - just go listen to this episode! Jason is one of my most favourite people on the planet, his immense enthusiasm for life and fun is extremely contagious, and any conversation with him is so often a wonderful cocktail of laughter, fun and innuendo, laced with a generous splash of wisdom.

There’s lots in this episode for coaches, and a bunch of laughs for all of us. Enjoy!

Jason has kindly agreed to provide a free copy of his fabulous book Prison Break, in ebook form, and paperback for anyone in the US, using this link.

Here’s a little more about Jason:

What does an award-winning entrepreneur, a TEDx Speaker, a bacon-atarian (thats a vegetarian who still eats bacon), a funky sock lover, a former rapper (who opened for the Wu-Tang Clan - YES, really!) and a previously 332lb man (who has since lost over 130lbs despite his affinity for bacon) have in common?

They are all the same guy!

Jason Goldberg (JG for short) is a geek, turned entrepreneur, international speaker, Edu-tainer, creator of the “Playful Prosperity” Program and author of the #1 International Best-Seller on (SELF) Leadership: “Prison Break: Vanquish the Victim, Own Your Obstacles, and Lead Your Life”

JG blends his love of personal growth, comedy (and sometimes even rap music), with his speaking, training and workshops to help people open their minds, transform their lives and businesses and pee their pants from laughter (...okay maybe not literally on that last one, but no judgment if it happens).
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