What People are saying about Phil

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What started out as a focused 6 month business coaching relationship turned into a unique journey of the unlocking of limiting fear and the willingness to let things be easy. I went into the coaching experience expecting strategy sessions and humbling ah-ha moments. And yes, we talked strategy and there were many ah-ha moments, but the gentle and joyful unfolding of our work was more a discovery of authentic voice and experience than anything else. The strategy and knowledge was in me, and Phil helped me arrive at a place of voicing and honoring it. He’s great at asking bold questions at the exact right moment that open the heart and mind in significant ways.
I’ve worked with several coaches over the last decade. Phil is unique. I didn’t find him adding layers of information and to-dos to my life. In fact, I experienced him stripping away noise and conditioned thinking so that what is already in me could be expressed.
I hope you’ll give yourself the opportunity of working with him.

Shawn Richardson - Coaching in Life and Nature

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I have been in the coaching space for about 5 years and hired a couple coaches, but I always felt something deeper was missing. I could not put my finger on it until I discovered Phil and saw his posts on FB. At that very moment, I knew I had to have a conversation with him and eventually ended up working with him.

In my experience, Phil is a rare unicorn in the coaching world and his understanding of what it means to be human has supported me in ways I never could have imagined.
His approach to coaching, living and being, is so lighthearted and effortless and I noticed how week after week I was also becoming more light, free and joyful. I started having more fun, I started enjoying being me more and I started enjoying my life more.

Rather than working on "removing" my fears and perceived inadequacies (which is what most coaches do,) Phil helped me see that I can love all of those aspects. And when I finally got that, I started rediscovering who I am, when I am not trying to be someone else.

Thank you again, I will be eternally grateful.

Tibi Sátor - Parenting and Relationship Coach, Slovakia

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I want so much for you to have a conversation with Phil. You’ll probably have no one else in your life paying as much attention to you as he does. Phil is the embodiment of “dancing in the moment”, being fully present and playing with whatever you bring to the table.

He is in many ways an example for me of a person truly devoted to serving others, showing up with their best interest in mind. Uncanny, no bullshit. Always loving.

Through our time together he was relentlessly and genuinely believing in me and my ability to grow a prosperous coaching practice - which I am deeply grateful for - as well as showing me, in a multitude of ways, the essentials and simplicity of living a coaching life.

It doesn’t matter if I “highly recommend” him, these words don't do justice, please, go have an experience of him for yourself.

Felipe Bernardo Theodoro, Personal & Executive Coach, Finland

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If you had told me how much my life would change after working with this man I would categorically have NOT believed you. And when I look back, I still have no idea really how any of it happened, how on earth it unfolded the way it has.

All I do know is that it was supposed to be this way; I was called to work with Phil at exactly the right time and there is no other person who could have supported me through this period with more wisdom, love, humour, openness, integrity and care. He is a truly exceptional human being and coach and I have learnt and grown so much.

So if you too are feeling the whisper of a pull to work with Phil, I highly recommend that you listen, reach out, and trust the process. I guarantee you will not regret it.

Nicola Farr, Wellbeing & Relationship Coach, UK

"I have had multiple coaching and counselling sessions but nothing ever worked. In one of my first conversations with Phil I said I am looking for a permanent solution not a sticking plaster that falls off time and time again!

That is exactly what I got. Through face time , text messages and a face to face workshop I was equipped with the tools I needed to put all of the fantastic ideas Phil had helped me with into practice by myself.

Phil is non judgmental, realistic, present and easy to talk to. He can get to the root cause of an issue very quickly and help ‘you’ as an individual to think it through and come up with your own solutions."

UK Personal Coaching Client

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“I met Phil in a Facebook group and hired him to help me build my coaching practice. I am astonished how, not only my practice, but also my life and my relationships have evolved since working with this outstandingly loving, humorous, authentic and intuitive coach.

Phil knew exactly when to hold me with his loving presence in times of struggle and when to challenge and encourage me to move forward. Before working with Phil I didn’t know that I could be so great at connecting with people. And man, THAT has been a game changer! I also didn’t know how much Bullshit I had going on in my head! In our deep and powerful conversations Phil has helped me to be more authentic and loving to myself.

And we had so much FUN, even when the road was bumpy! It was so good to have him in my life and to always be able to reach out to him (in messages or email).

If you ever consider working with this extraordinary coach Phil – reach out to him and you’ll be amazed what loving presence and humour can do to, and for you!."

Regina Kleinhenz, Life & Business Coach, Stuttgart, Germany

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“Two conversations with Phil sent me on a 'Cosmic Hero’s Journey' worthy of any epic novel. Our third conversation consisted of laughing, connecting and 'not much else to say, is there?'
Phil rarely coaches on content but rather meets his clients on a different plane….that has real world impact. Nothing will ever be the same after my conversations with Phil and I believe I will be steeping in this awesome for years to come."

Mark J. Silverman, Expert in Leadership Resilience, Speaker, Author, USA

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“Phil is without doubt the best coach I have ever worked with. He’s present, loving, genuine and he has an uncanny ability to know when to support you and when to challenge you. Throughout our insightful, funny, and human conversations, he helped me see through the inaccurate and unhelpful thoughts I was unwittingly holding onto. Highly recommended.”

Antti Vanhanen, Transformative Coach, Finland

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“Phil is an amazing coach and human being. I find Phil to have an incredible loving presence, he's showed me how to recognise the deeper aspects of myself, to be more authentic, to see past my excuses, to be in joy, to be love and in love with all things.

Thank you, with much love and big hugs.”

James Brett, Facilitator and Coach, Australia

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“I feel like I want to say ‘Fuck you Phil!’ and ‘Thank you very much’ at the exact same time. It's as if you were some kind of secret psychic surgeon, armed with calm curiosity and incisive questions... You quietly demolish my defences, unravelling the limitations of my thought boundaries. You leave me feeling liberated, albeit after occasionally being pissed off at having being imprisoned by my own misunderstandings…”

Niale McLoughlin, HR Executive, Macau.

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“Phil is rather boring and unimaginative. He just sits there listening and loving me. And he is also a bit of an arse.. He calls me on my bullshit whether I like it or not. It's as if he only sees the best in me... so frustrating at times.
Working with Phil is like deepening the keel on a sailboat. It is more fun to sail, points better into the wind and has much greater stability on an adventurous journey. I highly recommend having a conversation with Phil and exploring your possibilities together.”

Richard Morgan, Extraordinary Coach & Human Being, and Gardener of the Human Spirit, USA

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“As soon as I spoke to Phil, I knew I wanted to be coached by him and it is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. He’s a wonderfully warm, generous soul and and I feel he genuinely cares about my wellbeing. He’s able to deeply listen and connect with me and then gently invite me to look in a new direction. He creates a safe space in which to share and I never feel judged or belittled, but instead deeply nurtured and understood. I feel very blessed to have Phil in my life.”

Jane Ellis, Coach, UK

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“I met Phil in the U.S. (I live in Australia) whilst attending a coaching workshop, and found him a very easy person with whom to strike up a conversation. In what was a matter minutes, I felt like I had known him a lifetime. It wasn’t about the content of conversations I had with Phil, at the time, as much as the space he held within which we spoke. After the workshop we departed for our respective homelands.
Fast forward 9 or so months and I’d had this ongoing thought, I wonder if Phil would be a right fit for me, as a coach. So I eventually contacted him and we shared a couple of conversations online. Again, the same wonderful space held in which I felt completely opened up. There was an overwhelming energy rising within me that I could not ignore, so jumped at the opportunity to work with him.

I soon discovered the immensity of love Phil brings with him into his role as a coach. I absolutely encourage anyone remotely considering working with him, to feel your way in, share a conversation, and if you’re deeply ready to explore the love within you, then be prepared for transformation!!”

Brenton Hughes, Sydney, Australia

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“Phil is the most intuitive, gentle, non judgemental and unassuming of people. I was fortunate enough to attend his Coaching Retreat on the beautiful Greek Island of Zakynthos, and had the most incredible experience. His coaching style was calm, nurturing and fun and I found myself in such a relaxed and open state that I was able to step aside from my ego, and remember that everything is possible.
Fun loving and spontaneous, but never a walk over... I would recommend Phil every time - he IS what he teaches, pure LOVE.”

Emma Wilkinson - Transformative Coach, Speaker & Artist, UK

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Still waters run deep... Phil Goddard is a powerhouse of a coach and a leader within the coaching community.

He brings incredible presence to his coaching and he helps his clients become intensely alive and fully connected to themselves and to others.

At ease with himself and with life, Phil is good-natured, reassuring and supportive. He has a healing and calming influence. And he is a harmonizer for groups. Phil brings people together with grace and ease. He's a natural mediator and a powerful communicator.

If you are offered the opportunity, don't hesitate to begin a powerful coaching conversation with Phil.”

Rich Litvin - Success Coach, Author, CA, USA

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"Phil Goddard is a powerful, loving force of nature. If you get an opportunity to be coached by him, or even just to talk to him, DON'T PASS IT UP!”

Steve Chandler - The Godfather of Coaching, AZ, USA

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“Three seconds. Three seconds is all it takes to feel Phil’s love, energy, smile, warmth and brilliance and to know you are being fully supported in the exact way you need it in that exact moment.

In my experience of being coached by Phil, he provides a rare and extraordinary mix of deep and powerful presence, gentle wisdom and guidance (not to be confused with the passivity of coddling or the abrasiveness of preaching) and a profound, ever-present desire to help you create a life you love at a level beyond which you may have ever experienced or thought possible.

But don’t take my word for it, connect with Phil and find out for yourself. After all, the introduction of Phil’s power only takes three seconds to experience.”

Jason Goldberg - Transformational Speaker and Coach, CA, USA

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“Phil walks with you on your journey wherever you are. Whether it's to hang out, to ask advice or if the conversation goes into deep coaching. He is right there with you. I think this quality transcends just being a coach, it goes beyond coaching to me and extends to understanding humanity on a deeper level.

I have realised that is the biggest gift a coach can give you. The gift of being with you exactly where you are. Knowing that you don't need fixing or that your troubles are no better or no worse than any others. He has a gift of just being there when you want to rush away from reality. That is a gift. And in his presence, his gift of slowing down and laughing at it all has rubbed off on me.

Isn't a job of an amazing coach to coach you when you don't even know they are doing it? I think it is...because it tells you that the coaching is a part of who they are and that it can look a myriad of different ways.

Spend some time with him and you'll just see an ordinary guy, but don't take that as a small feat because for most people ordinary is a difficult place, so they live in their labels. Spend some time with Phil and the labels disappear. Then you get to sing and dance together from a place of heart and joy. That's what Phil brings to to the table for me.”

Amir Karkouti - Life Coach, Author & Entrepreneur, CA, USA

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I have had the opportunity to peer coach with Phil on several occasions. He is a very powerful coach who can quickly move a person to profound insights. I was so moved after one particular coaching session with Phil, that I took immediate action and in turn it created amazing results for me. Phil also possesses an innate calmness in his demeanor, and is very kind and loving in his approach. I've also had the opportunity to observe Phil in leadership roles. He can very swiftly bring a group of disparate people together, create a space of trust and help them find their common ground. I have the utmost respect and admiration for Phil and l would recommend him in a heartbeat!

Karen Davis - Executive Coach, CO, USA

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”When I have a coaching session with Phil, it's as if I feel "instantly loved." He has this way of opening you up to your deepest truths that serve to transform you, to move you forward from thoughts and ways that may have been keeping you stuck for decades. Working with Phil is this beautiful paradox of both soft and loving, yet powerful. When I think of Phil, I know he is a coach that is always in full integrity, doing everything in his power and infinite wisdom to help me get to where I want to go. To me, he represents love AND success, which is exactly how I choose to get things accomplished in life."

Carla O'Brien - Equine Facilitated Coaching, Life Coaching, Business/Personal/ADD/Aspergers, VA, USA

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“My mom has eyes in the back of her head. Do you know that saying? Growing up under her watch, it meant that she could tell what we were doing--even though the only way she could have known was if she had eyes in the back of her head--so that’s what we said about her. Phil has that kind of extraordinary ability: he can see things when there isn’t any ordinary, sensible explanation for how he could see them. It’s as if he has ears in his eyes, and eyes in his heart. He’s fierce and nourishing like sunshine, and there’s no one who wouldn’t benefit from some of his light.”

Melissa Severance - Psychotherapist and Reinvention Coach, MN, USA

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“Being coached by Phil feels like a phenomenon at work. That arises out of his capacity for expanded, spacious, presence to wherever I am with mine, moment to moment, and a compelling love and enthusiasm I feel for both myself, and the work we are about. He has an astute knowing of where to take me next, and holds what opens out for me so it can land with simple clarity. It is fun, exciting, challenging and soul raising. He is masterful at what he does.”

Jane Henfrey - Inspirational Speaker, Teacher & Writer, UK

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“Phil is very comfortable to talk to. He is a caring person and a great listener. He is able to hear beyond the spoken words in ways few people can. As a result, Phil is able to quickly and gently get to the heart of the matter and gently help bring about change.”

Jack Lyons - Coach & Consultant, FL, USA

“Talking with Phil was an experience of freedom, freedom of speech, of sharing, of being, and recovering my sense of "everything is possible". By subtle questioning and suggesting, combined with incredible kindness and compassion, Phil was leading me back to myself, in the present moment, the acceptance of what is right now, just now, not looking further, not looking behind. Leading me on the tracks of self acceptance and self forgiveness, which were so hard to find. Mind shifting conversations which allowed me to drop my resistance, and listen and leave it over to the Universe. And the Universe unexpectedly offered one of the most beautiful and unexpected presents. I am just so grateful for the sharing of these special moments with him.”

Personal Coaching Client, Europe

“I think you were born to do this job. I arrived for our first session with great trepidation but I need not have worried. Within minutes I was put completely at ease by your calm, gentle manner and skilful use of humour. In a very short time you made me see that my situation was not at all as hopeless or terrifying as I imagined it to be. My state of mind was such that I saw threats everywhere and felt overwhelmed by every problem. With your gentle guidance I have been able to confront and resolve an issue that I have put off literally for years.

It feels like a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders. I found our sessions and email conversations illuminating, liberating, funny and, just occasionally, a little painful. Honesty is sometimes painful. I greatly appreciated your 100% coaching approach too where I was able to email you between sessions when I felt the need. This was very valuable for me.

Whereas before I would watch the World from the sidelines too afraid to take part, I now find there are so many exciting and wonderful things to discover in the World I hardly know where to begin.”

LB - Corporate Manager, UK

"I've been working with Phil for several months now, and the transformations in my life have been nothing short of miraculous. I initially contacted him because of an incredible pain I felt due to a life transition that I was going through. When we started our first conversation, I was crying so hard I couldn't speak. Long before the session was over, I was laughing so hard that my stomach muscles started hurting.

Phil is a "natural" - at times you don't even notice that you are "being coached." He truly cares about your well-being, is a great listener, and with just the right questions, he very gently helps you to see what your own wisdom is trying to communicate to you.

In the months that I've been working with Phil, he has helped me to go through some of the most painful life experiences with almost no suffering at all and helped me to discover the joy, excitement, and vibrancy of life that I haven't experienced since I was a teenager. I had always wanted to look forward to waking up in the morning and to be excited about starting my day - I DO NOW! Lately my life has been ABSOLUTELY MAGICAL! All my life-long dreams have started coming true!.. I am endlessly grateful to Phil for all the happy discoveries I have experienced, for helping me find my way back to happiness, love, and joy... to myself.”

Personal Coaching Client, USA

“Phil is one of the most warm hearted and lovable people I know and he has a sense of humour to match. This makes him very approachable and you can't help but feel safe in his company. He listens and I've never known him to judge. He has insight that he has often shown to me with a chuckle and that has been framed in a way that was easy to hear and take on board. He is a natural coach, well more than that. He has a natural insight into people, what makes them tick and how to get the best of them. And he has a natural insight into life: how we are best to co-exist.”

MS - Entrepreneur, UK

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