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A New Chance

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Don’t give second chances. They’re so loaded with the past.

Not even another chance. That carries, too, the weight of previous chances past and missed.

We've all screwed up. Many screw-ups are about withholding a part of ourselves - “I can’t show that, at least not yet, so take this made-up piece instead.”

Not allowing your truth is always a screw-up.
And we all do it.

We’re all scared of showing ourselves. We don’t always take the first or thirty-second chance to show our heart.

If you are in the business of giving people chances, love them at least until they show themselves. Then love them more.

If you’re in the business of taking chances, show yourself, unaudited, unadulterated, show you. Whenever you get the chance.

And if you’re like the rest of us, seize your new chance. And give a new chance.

Keep giving chances until you see the real love.
Keep taking chances until you express your true love.

Oh, how we love a new chance…