062 Karen DiMarco
Dropping the Mask to Wellbeing
Emerging from a snotty-nosed pool of tears, Karen has realised the freedom of living life without a mask, in full integrity of showing up as herself in all circumstances, which has also brought some immense health benefits.
In this wonderfully frank conversation Karen talks about play and experimentation, boobs and smoking, and gives us all a glimpse into the delights of simply showing up as yourself.
Here’s a little more about Karen DiMarco, RN, BSN, iRNPA
A nurse for 22 years with specialties in Intensive Care, Trauma, and Flight Nursing, Karen DiMarco (who is writing this in the 3rd person, which is weird, but apparently the standard for bios), had an experience in 2011 that she describes as “a coming home.”
Within weeks of that profound moment – on the floor of a closet in a puddle of snot and tears – her mental and physical illnesses, and a 26-year history of eating disorders, melted away.
Since then, she has been a catalyst for transforming the way we deliver and conceive of health care and wellbeing. Put simply, the mind and body are not disconnected, and when misunderstandings of the mind are healed, there is a profound healing effect on the body.
Karen is a total geek about science, and the connection between the mind and the body. Her insatiable appetite for all things spiritual and biological, and her ability to communicate her understanding in a scientific, sometimes hilarious, and always easy-to-understand way, is what makes her both a total weirdo and incredibly impactful as a healthcare visionary and transformational coach.
Hobbies include: collecting sea glass and coaching certifications; reading, research, yoga, and ‘playing with herself’ (nutrition, biological alchemy, meditation, & quantum-whatever); hanging-out with family — including her 3 daughters, a Tortoise, and a small dog named “Mr. Big” (all often seen, or spoken of, as backdrops to her 1-to-1 coaching, courses, writing, and speaking engagements.)
You can find out more about Karen at karendimarco.com
Emerging from a snotty-nosed pool of tears, Karen has realised the freedom of living life without a mask, in full integrity of showing up as herself in all circumstances, which has also brought some immense health benefits.
In this wonderfully frank conversation Karen talks about play and experimentation, boobs and smoking, and gives us all a glimpse into the delights of simply showing up as yourself.
Here’s a little more about Karen DiMarco, RN, BSN, iRNPA
A nurse for 22 years with specialties in Intensive Care, Trauma, and Flight Nursing, Karen DiMarco (who is writing this in the 3rd person, which is weird, but apparently the standard for bios), had an experience in 2011 that she describes as “a coming home.”
Within weeks of that profound moment – on the floor of a closet in a puddle of snot and tears – her mental and physical illnesses, and a 26-year history of eating disorders, melted away.
Since then, she has been a catalyst for transforming the way we deliver and conceive of health care and wellbeing. Put simply, the mind and body are not disconnected, and when misunderstandings of the mind are healed, there is a profound healing effect on the body.
Karen is a total geek about science, and the connection between the mind and the body. Her insatiable appetite for all things spiritual and biological, and her ability to communicate her understanding in a scientific, sometimes hilarious, and always easy-to-understand way, is what makes her both a total weirdo and incredibly impactful as a healthcare visionary and transformational coach.
Hobbies include: collecting sea glass and coaching certifications; reading, research, yoga, and ‘playing with herself’ (nutrition, biological alchemy, meditation, & quantum-whatever); hanging-out with family — including her 3 daughters, a Tortoise, and a small dog named “Mr. Big” (all often seen, or spoken of, as backdrops to her 1-to-1 coaching, courses, writing, and speaking engagements.)
You can find out more about Karen at karendimarco.com