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Preventing Miracles

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Whenever we are holding a grievance we are both judging and resisting reality. As Byron Katie says, every time we fight reality we lose. When we hold a grievance we are resenting reality, we keep ourselves out of the flow of how things are, and it’s only within that flow that miracles reveal themselves.

Once we surrender to ‘what is’ without judgment, and hence without resistance, once we give up our grievance and relinquish the judgmental thought that something even needs to be forgiven, as we move into loving acceptance, our energy changes and we become aligned with what the universe is offering us.

We start to notice the clues all around us, tokens of love miraculously appearing, little navigational signs that remind us ‘yes, you are on your path.’ Small miracles, sometimes wonderfully huge miracles, remind us that life loves us, just allow it. Allow…. allow… allow…