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Peace & Understanding

A few days ago I heard someone describe an understanding as “something that brings peace” Well, that might well be the case, but peace isn’t dependant upon anything. The only time we don’t feel peace is when we believe it IS dependant upon something.
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True Gratitude

It’s so easy to make a judgment of someone by what they have said, yet when we pause and consider a basic truth, we are ALL love, it becomes easier to see someone, who we might initially think is ungrateful, as simply feeling hurt or fear in that moment.
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Preventing Miracles

Whenever we are holding a grievance we are both judging and resisting reality. As Byron Katie says, every time we fight reality we lose. When we hold a grievance we are resenting reality, we keep ourselves out of the flow of how things are, and it’s only within that flow that miracles reveal themselves.
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Being Undefined

Each time you say “It is…” or “I am…” you define and hence confine. Every definition has edges, constrictions, a denial to infinite possibilities.
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Self Love

By all means have the dark Belgium chocolates, buy yourself red roses, treat yourself to a massage, get down to the gym and feast on spinach soup for lunch. Allow yourself some quiet time…
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Self Acceptance

Most of us were brought up in families and schools where ‘being good’ actually meant complying with rules and not being an embarrassment. We’ve spent a large portion of our life seeking approval, not wanting to be so different we stand out, endeavouring to meet our elders and teachers expectations…
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The Day it All Changed

I heard the screaming, the shouting, the pandemonium, as shock took over my body for a few moments, wondering what on earth I might find as I went upstairs. My mother was crying, “No! No! No!" as if she had found my father dead. In a way she had…
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Reasons to be Unhappy

The ONLY reason I am EVER unhappy is because I think I should be.

I am always the one creating all my rules for UNhappiness…
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The Blue Dot of You

We are all going to die.

I’ll give you any odds you want on anyone reading this being alive in 100 years time.
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Loving Your Friends

Do you actively love your friends?

I love and I am love, but I also see love as an activity, as a being. It is something we do and be.
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