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Reasons to be Unhappy

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The ONLY reason I am EVER unhappy is because I think I should be.

I am always the one creating all my rules for UNhappiness, (although I usually think I am creating rules for happiness,) and when I am conscious enough I am able to see the truth in the above statement. I can see that it is the ‘I’ that I have created, that good ‘ol self image again, that is creating all the rules.

Yet happiness has no rules. Your heart always knows this, in so much as love has no rules and needs no conditions.

And of course, part of the human condition is that we forget, we get lost in the illusion of our self image time and again, and in those times we’re often not able to see what’s really going on - that the self image is telling us “No, you can not be happy right now because xyz.”

The strength of that 'because' is often extremely compelling!!

Have you noticed when you’ve been telling yourself a version of “No, I can not be happy right now because…” ?

Loving you.