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024 Matt Watkins

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To say Matt has had a bumpy ride on his coaching journey would be an understatement. In this dynamite episode, he opens his heart and shares how his substantial investment in coaching and coaching training did not bring the results he initially wanted, and reveals with incredible rawness and honesty the part he played in that. It’s a powerful lesson for every single one of us.

Here’s a little more about Matt:

Born and raised in the Wyoming valley of Northeastern Pennsylvania, an area historically known for its hard-nosed work ethic, Matt has been immersed in a no-BS culture of results without excuses from the moment he was born.
Since first beginning his studies into psychology while at Wilkes University, Matt has been positively obsessed with excellence and helping others develop the strength to lead, dominate, and win.

After years of single-minded study and training with the foremost experts in the world in developing mental strength and fitness, with a particular focus on the unconventional philosophies and approaches that develop the most unconventional results, Matt has pulled together an approach that is grounded, relentlessly pragmatic, and wholly unique.

His work is not for the faint of heart, but then again, neither is true strength, excellence, leadership, or success.

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