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027 Elsie Storm

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From the outside it looks like Elsie achieved rapid success in her coaching practice. But of course, things are rarely as they seem. In a very open and honest conversation, Elsie reveals what was really going on behind the scenes, shares some wonderful lessons she’s learnt along the way, and has an inspiration message for other coaches.

Here’s a little more about Elsie:
Elsie Storm, M.A. wears many hats: A life coach who leads clients to their greatness; an international retreat leader who creates travel experiences filled with adventure, play, and transformation; a loving wife to her husband Jonny; and mom to her Belizean tripawd, a street dog named Ollie.

A traveler at heart, she worked throughout Latin America for a social enterprise, leading teams, transforming communities, and facilitating service work abroad.

Elsie has her Master’s in Spiritual Psychology, and paired with a coaching certificate from Tony Robbins, is a powerful Life Coach who shines the light on her client’s limiting stories so they can honor their truth and stand tall in their greatness.

Elsie now coaches clients throughout 9 countries around the world and leads transformational retreats to countries like Peru and Belize to provide her clients with an opportunity to engage in what she calls Conscious Travel.

You can find her leading the #Truesday movement on Facebook, at her website, or having global adventures with her beloved husband, Jonny.
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