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028 Lea Ann Mallett

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How do you fit in being a Wife, Mother, Writer, a Speaker, a very enthusiastic Activist, and a Coach?
And, if as an activist you end up protesting and sleeping in a tree, how do you pee?
Lea Ann reveals all in this wonderfully real, honest and raw episode.

Here’s a little more about Lea Ann:
Lea Ann Mallett is a wild woman, lifelong activist and midlife momma who believes fiercely that we all are changing the world, every day. Her greatest desire is to make the world a better place by demonstrating to everyone that our everyday choices DO change the world. In her activism, she has travelled from direct action wilderness activist to nonprofit leader, from sitting in an ancient cedar for three days to protest clear-cut logging to leading forest protests to creating thriving nonprofits. She now inspires mission-driven leaders and entrpreneurs to greater impact as a coach, is creating a new vision for activism, and she creates photoessays of her life in the wilds of suburbia in her blog, Becoming Undomesticated.

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