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In the Coaching Life Podcast internationally renowned coach, speaker and author Phil Goddard interviews coaches and clients to give a real-life, no-filter look at the coaching profession and what it really takes to be a coach .
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081 Gary Mahler

Forever at Home

Aliveness, passion for the coaching profession, the potential for transformation…
Pour unconditional love into this mix and you have a beautiful exploration with Gary Mahler on what coaching really is all about…
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080 Steve Chandler

The Godfather of Coaching

How could this possibly be called The Coaching Life Podcast without the Godfather of Coaching as a guest? Yes, he made the top 80!

With his masterful humor and clarity, Steve Chandler shares:

• What started him writing and how, over 30 books later, his methods may change during his retirement.
• How he had to break a family tradition to overcome addiction.
• How to deal with ANY problem, and what’s the one question that can help you deal with any situation?
• Why the Ultimate Coach may not be for everyone.

And a bunch of other wisdom gems…

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079 Harry Pickens

Bootcamp for the Soul

In this in-depth and moving conversation Harry and Phil explore:

* What blocks us from expressing our deepest desires?
* A process of dissolving old neurobiological patterns
* Living & Coaching as an instrument of intuition
* Musical success & excellence, losing it all and the shear joy of playing
* The contradictions of democracy & racial injustice
* Avoidance of inequality, awareness & willingness for a solution…
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078 Karen Davis

A Coaching Life Revisited: Relentless Love

In this 3rd episode of the Coaching Life Revisited series, Karen Davis looks back at her coaching life since her first appearance on the podcast in episode 002, October 2016

With a grounded presence and deep love for the coaching profession, Karen shares her devotion for ceaseless learning, growth and impacting her clients’ lives.
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077 Kevin Waldron

A Coaching Life Revisited: Straight Talking Success

Over 3½ years after being the very first guest on the podcast in 2016, with his usual candour Kevin reflects on what has changed and reveals very simply what it takes to be a masterful coach building a sustainable practice…
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076 John Patrick Morgan

A Coaching Life Revisited: Evolving Mastery

John was first on the podcast in episode 10, released in February 2017. In this conversation, as we look back on those three years, John shares with his usual candid openness and honesty, revealing what was going on for him back then, what he’s learning from his son, how he creates his income in details now, and the power of being. He continues to demonstrate his commitment to mastery in all aspects of his life…
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075 Nikki Carpenter

20 Years of Learning

Nikki has been an executive coach for 20 years and in this gem-ridden conversation shares some of her intuitive, heart-centred lessons around working with clients in corporations, coaching leaders…
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074 Nicole Barton

Creating with Fun

Wisdom has ways of telling us to be kinder to ourselves. Of course, we don’t always listen, until we have to. Nicole shares her story of reaching burnout and subsequently dropping the pressure of working hard and shifting to simply having fun.
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073 Tiago Buhr

The Simplicity of Service

Can a simple smile and letters of appreciation really be part of service that leads to the creation of a prosperous coaching life? What of the relationship between being an entrepreneur running a business and actually being a coach? Can you show your faith in coaching in a way that enrols clients with no risk to them?
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072 Peter Sleigh

Being Lived

Having built a very successful accountancy business over the last 12 years, Peter transitioned to full-time coaching in 2019. His dedication to being of service is both compelling and inspiring, and he shares with much enthusiasm and openness how his journey is unfolding right before his eyes…
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071 Regina Kleinhenz

Experimenting with Fun

Just how much fun can you have building a coaching practice? Is following your joy really a fruitful strategy? Should we listen when we think we won’t enjoy doing something? Do you need to figure out who your ideal client actually is?
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070 Dr. Amy Johnson

Being Human

It was Amy's book 'Being Human' written over six years ago, that introduced me to her work, and whilst she has published another great book since then, her willingness to show, explore and share what it is to be human remains.
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069 Phil Goddard

6 Essentials for a Prosperous Coaching Life

There are so many things at play in building a coaching practice and creating your own coaching life. In this episode Phil outlines six essential elements that come up most commonly in conversations with other coaches…
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068 Giles P Croft

Starting Out & Enjoying What You Do

In this conversation Giles brings his light-heartedness, humour and immense enthusiasm for coaching and shares what it’s been like for him at the very early stages of his coaching career.
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067 Dominic Scaffidi

Living by the Laws of Creation

Could there really be a single misunderstanding of how creation works that keeps us from what we want? Dominic has been coaching for eleven years, and in this extended episode shares how he has created a very successful coaching practice, without plans or complex strategies…
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066 Leighann Amanda

The Courage to Love

When her idyllic and dream life fell apart suddenly in October 2017, Leighann began a process and journey of grief, healing, and re-emergence, which she shares in this moving conversation…
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065 Nick Bottini

Just Play

Everyone has a book in them. This episode is for you if you’d like to get that book out. It’s also for you if you have a message or understanding to share with the world.

Nick shares his journey from being a teacher and head of music at a school, to best selling author and coach to musicians…
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064 Phil Goddard

The Nature of Beliefs - A Conversation with Amir Karkouti
And why sharing your understanding of the principles (or indeed anything) may be unhelpful...

In this episode I share a conversation I had with my dear friend Amir, for his WTF Are The Principles Group.

Let’s look at the nature of beliefs and the role they play in our interpretation of the world.
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063 Troy Eckert

Surfing Wild Waves into Coaching

In this raw and open conversation, with infectious enthusiasm Troy shares his journey from being a founder member of a super-successful clothing company, through some of life’s shit-storms, and into his first year in coaching…
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062 Karen DiMarco

Dropping the Mask to Wellbeing

Emerging from a snotty-nosed pool of tears, Karen has realised the freedom of living life without a mask, in full integrity of showing up as herself in all circumstances, which has also brought some immense health benefits…
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